Node Connectivity

There are 40 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type DB Data.

DB Merge Streamable

Merges (insert or updates) rows in the database based on the values of the selected columns from the KNIME input table.

DB Update Streamable

Updates rows in the database based on the values of the selected columns from the KNIME input table.

DB Writer Streamable

Inserts the selected rows in the database based on the selected columns from the input table. Creates a new table if the table does not exist.

DB Connection Table Writer 

Writes the input database table into a new database table.

DB Query Injector 

Creates a DB Data port from the input DB Connection and a string variable with the SQL query to use.

DB Type Mapper 

Enables you to change the database to KNIME type mapping for subsequent nodes.

Spark to DB 

Writes a Spark DataFrame/RDD into a database table

Spark to Hive 

Writes an incoming Spark DataFrame/RDD into a Hive table.

Spark to Impala 

Writes an incoming Spark DataFrame/RDD into a Impala table.

Run R Model in Microsoft SQL Server 

Run R code with a pre-trained R model on a Microsoft SQL Server in a database.