Node Connectivity

There are 60 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Database Connection.

Database Connector 

This is a Database Connector TG.


This is a Database Reader.

Table Connector 

This is a Database Table Connection Test.TG

Writer/Update Streamable

This is a Database Writer supporting Postgres spatial data. GT. Establishes and opens a database access connection to which the entire input table is […]

Python Script (DB) Deprecated

Allows executing a Python script in a local Python environment.

Python Script (DB) Deprecated

Allows execution of a Python script in a local Python installation.

Spark to Database Deprecated

Writes a Spark DataFrame/RDD into a database table

Spark to Hive Deprecated

Converts an incoming Spark DataFrame/RDD into a Hive table

Spark to Impala) Deprecated

Converts an incoming Spark DataFrame/RDD into a Impala table

Create Big Data Test Environment (legacy) Deprecated

Creates big data test environment based on flow variable configuration.