Node Connectivity

There are 4973 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Convert to R Deprecated

Takes a data table as input and converts it into a generic R object.

Convert to Table Deprecated

Takes a generic R port as input and converts it into a data table. This requires the content of the genericR port to be a R data-frame. Other […]

R Plot 

Creates plot with R.

R Plot (with Image Port) Deprecated

Create figures with R from within Knime.

R Snippet 

Executes an R script within KNIME.

R Snippet (2:1) 

Executes an R script within KNIME.

R Snippet Deprecated

A generic R scripting node that takes a generic R object as input and provides another generic R object as ouput

R Snippet Source Deprecated

A generic R scripting node that generates a generic R object as ouput without having any input from Knime.

Spacy Lemmatizer 

The node converts all tokens to their root form (lemma), removing cases, plurals, conjugations, etc.

Spacy Lemmatizer Deprecated

The node converts all tokens to their root form (lemma), removing cases, plurals, conjugations, etc.