Node Connectivity

There are 4973 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Inductive Miner (Table) 

This node implements the Inductive Miner to discover a process tree from an event table.

Alignment-Based Fitness Evaluator 

Based on the replay result, this node outputs the statistical fitness information.

Alignment-Based Performance Evaluator 

Based on the replay result, this node computes the statistical performance information.

Alignment-Based Precision Evaluator 

Based on the replay result, this node computes the statistical precision information.

Alignment-Based Replayer 

This node implements the alignment-based replayer for constructing the optimal alignments by replaying an event log on a Petri net.

Alignment-Based Replayer (Event Log) Deprecated

This node implements the alignment-based replayer for constructing the optimal alignments by replaying an event log on a Petri net.

Fitness Checker (Event Log) Deprecated

Based on the replay result, this node outputs the statistical fitness information.

Performance Checker (Event Log) Deprecated

Based on the replay result, this node computes the statistical performance information.

Precision Checker (Event Log) Deprecated

Based on the replay result, this node computes the statistical precision information.

Causal Graph To Image 

JavaScript Visualizer for Causal Graphs.