There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.
Calculates statistic moments and counts nominal values and their occurrences across all columns.
Outputs a string flow variable with a given value.
Outputs a string flow variable with a given value.
This node rotates the selected columns from the input table to rows and duplicates at the same time the remaining input columns by appending them to […]
Unzips files from a zip file.
Interactively classify through visual means.
Classification by voting feature intervals.
Takes a data table and returns a table with one column containing the selected domain values.
Takes a data table and a selected column and returns a variable with the selected value from this column.
ASCII file reader from variable locations
Do you have feedback, questions, comments about NodePit, want to support this platform, or want your own nodes or workflows listed here as well? Do you think, the search results could be improved or something is missing? Then please get in touch! Alternatively, you can send us an email to
Please note that this is only about NodePit. We do not provide general support for KNIME — please use the KNIME forums instead.