Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Read PNG Images Deprecated

Read PNG images from a list of URLs and append them as a new column.

Regression Predictor Deprecated

Predicts the response using a regression model.

Rep Tree Deprecated

Fast decision tree learner.

Ridor Deprecated

The implementation of a RIpple-DOwn rule learner.

RowID Deprecated

Node to replace the RowID and/or to create a column with the values of the current RowID.

Rule Engine Deprecated

Applies user-defined business rules to the input table

Run R Model in Microsoft SQL Server Deprecated

Run R code with a pre-trained R model on a Microsoft SQL Server in a database.

SMO Deprecated

a sequential minimal optimization algorithm for training a SVM.

SMO Regression Deprecated

A.Smola and B.Scholkopf's sequential minimal optimization algorithm for training a support vector regression model.

SQL Extract Deprecated

Extracts the SQL query from a database port.