Node Connectivity

There are 5112 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

XMeans (3.7) 

Cluster data using the X-means algorithm. X-Means is K-Means extended by an Improve-Structure part In this part of the algorithm the centers are attempted […]

sIB (3.7) 

Cluster data using the sequential information bottleneck algorithm. Note: only hard clustering scheme is supported

Weka Cluster Assigner (3.7) 

The Weka Cluster Assigner takes a cluster model generated in a weka node and assigns the data at the inport to the corresponding clusters.

Weka Predictor (3.7) 

The Weka Predictor takes a model generated in a weka node and classifies the test data at the inport.

Weka Predictor (3.7) Deprecated

The Weka Predictor takes a model generated in a weka node and classifies the test data at the inport.

Weka Classifier Reader (3.7) 

Reads a weka classification model from a (zip) file.

Weka Clustering Reader (3.7) 

Reads a weka clustering model from a (zip) file.

Weka Clustering Reader (3.7) Deprecated

Reads a weka clustering model from a (zip) file.

Weka Classifier Reader (3.7) Deprecated

Reads a weka classification model from a (zip) file.

AODE Deprecated

AODE achieves highly accurate classification by averaging over all of a small space of alternative naive-Bayes-like models.