Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

SDF Inserter 

Inserts properties to SDF/Mol/Ctab structures

SDF Inserter Deprecated

Inserts properties to SDF/Mol/Ctab structures

SDF Stripper 

Keeps only the molecules in the selected SDF column.

Molecule Type Cast Streamable

Converts a String column to typed molecule column


Converts various molecular file formats into each other

String to Smiles Deprecated

Converts a String column into a Smiles column

Create FileStore Column Streamable

Appends column with random file store cells in it.

Create FileStore Port 

Creates a port object hosting one ore multiple file stores.

Test FileStore Column 

Verifies the content of the column that was created in the "Create File Store Column" node.

Create FileStore Column in LoopEnd Streamable

Creates FileStore Column in a LoopEnd node.