Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Integer Configuration 

Provides an integer configuration option to an encapsulating component's dialog. Outputs a string flow variable with the set value.

Integer Slider Configuration 

Provides a slider configuration option to an encapsulating component's dialog. Outputs a integer flow variable with the set value.

List Box Configuration 

Provides a text area configuration option to an encapsulating component's dialog. Outputs a data table with one column holding a list of strings.

Local File Browser Configuration 

Allows selecting a local file and exposing it using a flow variable. Variable output representing the file path as variable. In case an absolute file […]

Repository File Chooser Configuration 

Allows choosing single or multiple files, workflows or directories from a remote mountpoint. Outputs a table with the selected files.

String Configuration 

Provides a string configuration option to an encapsulating component's dialog. Outputs a string flow variable with the set value.

Column Filter Configuration 

Provides a column filter configuration option to an encapsulating component's dialog. Takes a data table and returns a filtered data table with only […]

Column Filter Configuration Deprecated

Provides a column filter configuration option to an encapsulating component's dialog. Takes a data table and returns a filtered data table with only […]

Column Selection Configuration 

Provides a column selection configuration option to an encapsulating component's dialog. Outputs a string flow variable with the name of the selected […]

Column Selection Configuration Deprecated

Provides a column selection configuration option to an encapsulating component's dialog. Outputs a string flow variable with the name of the selected […]