Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Catch Errors (Var Ports) 

End of Try-Catch construct. Use second input if execution leading to first input failed.

Try (Data Ports) 

Start of Try-Catch construct.

Try (Variable Ports) 

Start of Try-Catch construct.

Active Branch Inverter 

Inverts status of a branch: inactive becomes active and vice versa.

Capture Workflow End 

Marks the end of a to be captured workflow segment.

Workflow Combiner 

Concatenates two workflow segments.

Workflow Reader 

Reads a single workflow into a workflow port object.

Workflow Summary Extractor 

Extracts a workflow summary from a workflow port object as a XML or JSON document.

Call Local Workflow (Row Based) Deprecated

Calls other local workflows.

Call Remote Workflow (Row Based) Deprecated

Calls other remote workflows on a KNIME server.