Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

DB Table Remover 

Removes a table from the database using the input DB Connection.

DB Type Mapper 

Enables you to change the database to KNIME type mapping for subsequent nodes.

BeeF Reader 

Parses a specified BeeF file and creates a node, edge and feature table.

Network Reader 

Reads a network from a file.

Network Reader Deprecated

Reads a network from a file.

Assign Partition 

Assigns objects to the given partition of the given type.

Feature Inserter 

Inserts features from a data table into the network.

Multi Feature Inserter 

Inserts features from a data table into the network.

Network Creator 

Creates a new empty network.

Object Inserter 

Inserts nodes and edges from a data table into the network.