Node Connectivity

There are 4972 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Generic Port.

Tree Ensemble Predictor StreamableDeprecated

Predicts patterns according to an aggregation of the predictions of the individual trees in a random forest model.

Random Forest Learner (Regression) 

Learns a random forest for regression.

Random Forest Predictor (Regression) Streamable

Applies regression from a random forest model by using the mean of the individual predictions.

Tree Ensemble Learner (Regression) 

Learns an ensemble of regression trees.

Tree Ensemble Predictor (Regression) Streamable

Applies regression from a tree ensemble model by using the mean of the individual predictions.

Random Forest Distance 

Creates a distance measure based on the proximity induced by the given random forest model.

Tree Ensemble Model Extract 

Extracts individual decision trees from a tree ensemble model.

Tree Ensemble Statistics 

Provides basic statistics on the ensemble and its trees

Tree Ensemble Model Extract Deprecated

Extracts individual decision trees from a tree ensemble model.

K Nearest Neighbor Streamable

Classifies a set of test data based on the k Nearest Neighbor algorithm using the training data.