Node Connectivity

There are 1061 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type org.knime.core.node.port.AbstractSimplePortObject.

Email Connector (Labs) 

Connects to an email server using the IMAP and/or SMPT protocol.

Space Version Creator Deprecated

Create a new version of the connected KNIME Hub Space.

Kafka Connector 

Provides connection settings to a Kafka cluster.

PMML Compiler 

Creates Java code for scoring from a PMML model.

Linear Discriminant Analysis Deprecated

This node performs a linear discriminant analysis.

Interactive Range Slider Filter Widget 

Defines a filter definition to the input table and provides an interactive slider view.

Interactive Value Filter Widget 

Defines a filter definition to the input table and provides an interactive value filter on nominal columns.

Range Slider Filter Definition (legacy) 

Defines a filter definition to the input table and provides an interactive slider view.

Value Filter Definition (legacy) 

Defines a filter definition to the input table and provides an interactive value filter on nominal columns.

Twitter API Connector 

Create a connection to access Twitter's API.