Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Web Searcher Deprecated

Query web search engines.

Binary Scorer Streamable

Calculate the performance of multiple models

PDB Connector (XML Query String) Deprecated

This node has been deprecated as the remote webservices have been shutdown

PDB Connector Deprecated

This node no longer works. Please use the new verion

Coordinate to Open Location Code (OLC) Streamable

Creates Open Location Code (OLC) for coordinate values.

Open Location Code (OLC) to Coordinate Streamable

Parses Open Location Code (OLC) strings to coordinate values.

Handlebars Streamable

Apply a Handlebars template.

Giskard RAGET Test Set Generator 

Generates a test set for evaluating a RAG system.

Giskard LLM Scanner 

Evaluate the performance of GenAI workflows with Giskard.

Giskard RAGET Evaluator 

Evaluates a RAG system with Giskard.