Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Load Local XML Files Streamable

Node to load one or more local XML-type files into table cells (1 cell per file)

Load SD-Files (SDF) Streamable

Node to load one or more sd-files into a KNIME Table

Load Text Files Streamable

Node to load one or more text-based files into table cells (1 cell per file)

MMP Molecule Filter (RDKit) Streamable

This node prefilters molecules prior to Matched Pair Finding

MMP Molecule Filter Deprecated

This node prefilters molecules prior to Matched Pair Finding

MMP Molecule Splitter (RDKit) Streamable

This node prefilters molecules prior to Matched Pair Finding

MMP Molecule Splitter Deprecated

This node prefilters molecules prior to Matched Pair Finding

MMP Molecule Fragment (3rd Gen) Deprecated

This node implements the Hussain and Rea algorithm for Matched Molecular Pair finding.

MMP Molecule Fragment (RDKit) Streamable

This node implements the molecule fragmentation stage of the Hussain and Rea algorithm for Matched Molecular Pair finding

MMP Molecule Multi-cut Fragment (3rd Gen) Deprecated

This node implements the Hussain and Rea algorithm for Matched Molecular Pair finding.