Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Fingerprint OR Streamable

Perform logic OR operation on a pair of binary (bitvector) fingerprint columns

Fingerprint SUBSET Streamable

Perform logic SUBSET operation on a binary (bitvector) or count (bytevector) fingerprint column

Fingerprint SUM Streamable

This node calculates the sum of two count (bytevector) fingerprints

Fingerprint XOR Streamable

Perform logic XOR operation on a pair of binary (bitvector) fingerprint columns

Cardinality Streamable

Returns the cardinality of a fingerprint

Density Streamable

This node calculates the fingerprint density

Is Empty Streamable

This node calculates the fingerprint 'Emptiness'

Length Streamable

This node calculates the fingerprint length

Total Count Streamable

This node calculates the fingerprint total bit count

Type Streamable

This node calculates the fingerprint type