Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Python Snippet 2:2 

Executes Python code.

Python Source 

Executes Python code.

Convert to Table 

Takes a R workspace as input and extracts a data frame as KNIME table.

Fix Column Names 

Renames column headers to obtain compatible column names for an R data-frame.

Convert to Table Deprecated

Takes a generic R port as input and converts it into a data table. This requires the content of the genericR port to be a R data-frame. Other […]

R Snippet 

Executes an R script within KNIME.

R Snippet (2:1) 

Executes an R script within KNIME.

Spacy Lemmatizer 

The node converts all tokens to their root form (lemma), removing cases, plurals, conjugations, etc.

Spacy Lemmatizer Deprecated

The node converts all tokens to their root form (lemma), removing cases, plurals, conjugations, etc.

Spacy Morphologizer 

The node performs morphology analysis of the text and assigns the tags for singular/plural, gender, case, conjugation, animacy, etc. for the tokens.