Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Multivariate Z-Primes 

Calculates the multivariate z-prime coefficients for all combinations of a selection of negative and a selection of positive controls over a […]


Calculates SSMDs (strictly standardized mean difference) for all combinations of a selection of negative and a selection of positive controls.

Z-Primes (PC x NC) 

The node calculates Z-Prime factors (Z') for all combinations of selected positive and negative controls.

Dose Response (R) 

Calculates and visualizes dose response curves

Enrichment Analyzer 

Tests for enrichment of a set of observation was enriched with certain ontoloy-classes.

Create Well Position 

Creates a well position column (e.g. B6) based on plate row and plate column information

Expand Barcode 

Expands a barcode column into several columns containing barcode-coded meta information.

Expand Well Position 

Expands a well position column (containing entries like B3 or C14) into two columns named 'plateRow' and 'plateColumn'.

Expand Well Position Deprecated

Expands a well position column (containing entries like B3 or C14) into two columns named 'plateRow' and 'plateColumn'.

Join Layout 

Reads an Excel file containing a plate layout and joins the meta data