Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Seed Generator Streamable

Generates a seeded labeling. E.g. useful for a watershed algorithm.

Seeded Watershed Streamable

Seeded Watershed algorithm. The catchment basins of the watershed algorithms are determined by seeding points.

Segment Cropper 

Crops segments, given by a labeling, of an image.

Voronoi Segmentation 

Voronoi based segmentation

Feature Calculator (BETA) 

Calculate numerical features of an image, the regions in a labeling (= segments) or segment on an image. Please note: This node is in a beta-testing […]

Image Features 

Calculates features based on the complete image.

Image Properties Streamable

This node lists the properties of all images of an image column

Image Segment Features 

Calculates features of images under consideration of the given labeling

Labeling Properties Streamable

This node lists the properties of all labelings of an labeling column