Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

h-Dome Extraction Streamable

Extract regions of height h from an image.

Dimension Cleaner Streamable

Removes all dimensions of size 1.

Dimension Extender Streamable

Appends new dimensions of size one to the image.

Set Image Metadata Streamable

Manipulates the image metadata.

Transfer Image Metadata Streamable

Transfers the metadata from image to image.

ImgPlus to PNG Images Streamable

Converts a KNIME Image Processing image (ImgPlusValue) to an image in KNIME PNG Image (PNGImageValue).

Auto Crop Streamable

Automatically crops an image.

Dimension Swapper Streamable

Node to swap the dimensions of an image.

Image Converter Streamable

Converts a given image from one pixel type into another (e.g. ShortType to ByteType).

Image Cropper StreamableDeprecated

Crops orthogonal selections from an image and puts them together again.