Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Frequency Domain Features (FDF) 

This node computes statistics in the frequency domain. The chosen statistics will be computed for each row.

Time Domain Features (TDF) 

This node computes statistics in the time domain. The chosen statistics will be computed for each row.

WAV Reader 

This node reads in .wav files.

Welch Averaging 

This node bundles together a number of rows and takes an average in every column for this bundle.

Window Function 

This node multiplies the input rows with a window function to prevent spectral leakage in subsequent FFT.

Window Slider 

This node creates sliding windows from an input signal which is stored in a table with one column.

Convolution Kernel Creator 

Creates convolution kernels, i.e. images from certain functions.

Image Importer StreamableDeprecated

Imports referenced images to the KNIME-internal representation basically to process them in further steps.

Structuring Element Creator 

Creates structuring elements (images) usually describing a pixel neighborhood (sphere or box).

Image Generator Streamable

Generates random images