Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

PMM Joiner 

Joins model formulas and data and assigns parameter symbols in formulas to parameter names in preparation for a model estimation

ComBase Reader 

Reads ComBase CSV files

Data Reader 

Loads microbial data from a database

Formula Reader 

Loads primary or secondary models

Model Reader 

Loads estimated primary or secondary models from the internal database

NuML Reader 

This nodes reads data from a single NuML document.

OpenFSMR Converter 

This node creates a OpenFSMR template from a PMF file

PMF Reader 

This node reads in PMF models from a FSKX file. Legacy PMFX files are also supported.

PMF Reader Deprecated

This node reads in models from a PMF file.

PMFX Reader Deprecated

This node reads in models from a PMFX file.