Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Size Manager (legacy) Deprecated

Assigns sizes corresponding to the values of one numeric column.

Statistics Deprecated

Calculates statistic moments and counts nominal values and their occurrences across all columns.

Statistics Deprecated

Calculates statistic moments and counts nominal values and their occurrences across all columns.

Unpivoting Deprecated

This node rotates the selected columns from the input table to rows and duplicates at the same time the remaining input columns by appending them to […]

Unzip Files Deprecated

Unzips files from a zip file.

User Classifier Deprecated

Interactively classify through visual means.

VFI Deprecated

Classification by voting feature intervals.

Value Filter QuickForm (legacy) Deprecated

Takes a data table and returns a table with one column containing the selected domain values.

Variable Based File Reader Deprecated

ASCII file reader from variable locations

Variable to Table Row Deprecated

Extracts variables and puts them into a single row table.