There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.
Assigns part of speech tags to terms.
Assigns part of speech tags to terms.
Assigns part of speech tags to terms. Suitable for French, German, English, Spanish and Arabic texts.
Assigns part of speech tags to terms. Suitable for French, German and English texts.
Validates a StanfordNLP NE model created by the StanfordNLP NE Learner.
Assigns named entity tags to terms. Suitable for English, German and Spanish texts.
Assigns named entity tags to terms. Suitable for English, German and Spanish texts.
Assigns specified tags values of specified tag types to terms matching wildcard or regular expressions specified in a string column.
Assigns specified tags values of specified tag types to terms matching wildcard or regular expressions specified in a string column.
Bag of words creator.
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