Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

Create Bit Vector 

Generates bit vectors either from multiple string or numerical columns, from a single string column containing the bit positions to set, […]

Expand Bit Vector 

Expands the Bit Vector to individual integer columns.

Create Collection Column Streamable

Combines multiple columns into a new collection column.

Split Collection Column 

Splits a collection column into its sub components, adding one new column for each.

Create Byte Vector 

Creates a new Byte Vector column from some columns of ints.

Expand Byte Vector 

Expands the Byte Vector to individual integer columns.


Combine matching rows from two tables

Cross Joiner Streamable

Performs a cross join of two tables.

Joiner Deprecated

Joins two tables

Nominal Probability Distribution Creator Streamable

Creates a Nominal Probability Distribution cell out of numeric cells.