Node Connectivity

There are 104 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type

Create FileStore Port 

Creates a port object hosting one ore multiple file stores.

Test FileStore Port Object Loop End 

Used in automated tests to test the handling of file stores in loops.

XGBoost Linear Ensemble Learner (Regression) Deprecated

Learns a linear model based XGBoost model.

XGBoost Linear Ensemble Learner Deprecated

Learns a linear model based XGBoost model.

XGBoost Tree Ensemble Learner (Regression) Deprecated

Learns a tree based XGBoost model for regression.

XGBoost Tree Ensemble Learner Deprecated

Learns a tree based XGBoost model.

Binary Group Python Node 

Node that does nothing

Filter and Appender Definer 

Defines a filter and appender model.

Model Output Python Node 

Model output node

SubPortObject Creator 

Missing description.