Node Connectivity

There are 35 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Text classifier (File Store).

NoOp (Generic Port) 

A “no operation” node.

Text Classifier Predictor Streamable

Predictor for a dictionary-based text classifier for categorizing text documents.

Text Classifier Model Pruner 

Different pruning methods for Palladian text classifier models.

Text Classifier Model Writer 

This node allows serializing a trained Text Classifier model, so that it can be used programmatically within Palladian.

Text Classifier Model to Table 

Converts a text classifier model to a table.

Ligand-Set Splitter 

Splits a ligand-set into its components

LSD Writer 

Writer for LigandScout LSD-Files

Model Writer Deprecated

Writes KNIME model port objects to a file.

Model Writer 

Writes KNIME model port objects to a file.

Model to Binary Object 

Converts a model to a binary object cell.