Node Connectivity

There are 39 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type spaCy pipeline.

Run R Model in Microsoft SQL Server Deprecated

Run R code with a pre-trained R model on a Microsoft SQL Server in a database.

PIA Analysis 

PIA Analysis

Spacy Lemmatizer 

The node converts all tokens to their root form (lemma), removing cases, plurals, conjugations, etc.

Spacy Morphologizer 

The node performs morphology analysis of the text and assigns the tags for singular/plural, gender, case, conjugation, animacy, etc. for the tokens.

Spacy NER 

The node assigns named entity tags to the words of the document.

Spacy POS Tagger 

The node assigns part of speech to each token of the document.

Spacy Stop Word Filter 

The node filters out words that are identified as stop words by the provided spaCy model.

Spacy Tokenizer 

The node converts a string column with raw text to a KNIME Document column using the tokenizer of the provided spaCy model.

Spacy Vectorizer 

Maps String or Document data to a numerical vector (list of doubles) according to the embedder provided by the spaCy model.