Node Connectivity

There are 45 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type R Workspace.

R to Table 

Converts an R object into a KNIME data table.

R to R 

Takes a R workspace and modifies it based on the entered R script.

Add Table to R 

Merges a KNIME table into an R workspace.

R Predictor 

Allows execution of R code in a local R installation for predicting data attributes using new data and an existing model.

R to PMML 

Converts a given R object into a corresponding PMML object.

Active Learning Loop End 

The loop end node for an active learning loop.

Active Learning Loop Start 

The loop start node for an active learning loop.

Run R Model in Microsoft SQL Server 

Run R code with a pre-trained R model on a Microsoft SQL Server in a database.

CASE Switch Model (End) Deprecated

Merges two or more branches with arbitrary models which were initially created by an IF or CASE Switch Node.

CASE Switch Model (Start) Deprecated

Model (or generic port) CASE Switch to alter active branch for arbitrary port types..