Node Connectivity

There are 118 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type PMML.

PMML Ensemble to Table 

Transforms a PMML document which contains a MiningModel that has several segments into a table. The table has one row per segment and at […]

Boosting Learner Loop End 

Loop end node for learning an ensemble model with boosting

Model Loop End 

Collects and combines all models provided during the loop iterations.

Model to Cell 

Converts a model input into a single table cell.

Regression Predictor 

Predicts the response using a regression model.

Regression Predictor Deprecated

Predicts the response using a regression model.

Linear Regression Learner Deprecated

Performs a multivariate linear regression.

Polynomial Regression Learner Deprecated

Learner that builds a polynomial regression model from the input data

Logistic Regression Learner Deprecated

Performs a multinomial logistic regression.

Logistic Regression Predictor 

Predicts the response using a logistic regression model.