Node Connectivity

There are 118 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type PMML.

Category to Number StreamableDeprecated

Maps each category of a column with nominal data to an integer.

Number to Category (Apply) 

Reverts the actions of Category To Number (Apply) by mapping the numbers back to categories.

Missing Value (Apply) 

Applies missing value replacement that was created with the Missing Value Handler node

Column Filter (PMML) Streamable

The Column Filter allows columns to be excluded from the input table.

Denormalizer (PMML) Streamable

Denormalizes the attributes of a table reversing the information in the PMML model.

Many to One (PMML) Deprecated

Transforms the values of multiple columns into a single column while generating PMML.

Normalizer (PMML) Deprecated

Normalizes the attributes of a table.

Normalizer Apply (PMML) Streamable

Normalizes the attributes of a table according to a PMML model.

Number To String (PMML) Deprecated

Converts numbers in a column to strings.

Numeric Binner (PMML) StreamableDeprecated

Group values of numeric columns categorized string type.