Node Connectivity

There are 164 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Flow Variable.

Variable to Table Row 

Extracts variables and puts them into a single row table.

Variable to Table Row Deprecated

Extracts variables and puts them into a single row table.

Variable to Table Column StreamableDeprecated

Appends one or more variables as new column(s) to the data table.

Variable to Table Column StreamableDeprecated

Appends one or more variables as new column(s) to the data table.

Variable to Table Row Deprecated

Extracts variables and puts them into a single row table.

Java Edit Variable 

Edit or add flow variables using java code.

Java Edit Variable (simple) 

Edit a flow variable using java code.

Math Formula (Variable) 

Evaluates mathematical formula, appending result as a new variable or replacing an input variable.

Merge Variables 

Merges flow variables into one stream.

Merge Variables Deprecated

Merges flow variables into one stream.