Node Connectivity

There are 164 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Flow Variable.

Explorer Writer 

Allows copying files to locations mounted in the KNIME explorer.

Model Writer 

Writes KNIME model port objects to a file.

Create File/Folder Variables 

Creates paths to files/folders and exposes them as flow variables.

Create Folder 

Creates a folder upon execute and exposes its path as flow variable.

Create Temp Folder 

Creates a temporary folder upon execute and exposes its path as flow variable.

Path to String (Variable) 

Converts Path variables into String variables.

String to Path (Variable) 

Converts string variables into path variables.

Model to Binary Object 

Converts a model to a binary object cell.

URL to File Path (Variable) 

Converts URLs into file paths.

Send Email 

Send an email using an external SMTP server.