Node Connectivity

There are 102 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Database Query.

NoOp (Generic Port) 

A “no operation” node.


This is a Database Reader.

Writer/Update Streamable

This is a Database Writer supporting Postgres spatial data. GT. Establishes and opens a database access connection to which the entire input table is […]

Ligand-Set Splitter 

Splits a ligand-set into its components

LSD Writer 

Writer for LigandScout LSD-Files

Python Script (DB) Deprecated

Allows executing a Python script in a local Python environment.

Database DISTINCT (Legacy) 

This node performs a 'DISTINCT' operation on the selected column(s)

Database Extract Table Dimension (Legacy) 

This node extracts the table dimension from a Database Query Connection

Database Insert Column Header (Legacy) 

This node renames the output columns of a database connection based on the values in a reference table. The underlying database is not affected

Database List Catalogues (Legacy) Streamable

This node lists the catalogues for a database