Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Tree Ensemble Learner (Regression) 

Learns an ensemble of regression trees.

Tree Ensemble Predictor (Regression) Streamable

Applies regression from a tree ensemble model by using the mean of the individual predictions.

K Nearest Neighbor Streamable

Classifies a set of test data based on the k Nearest Neighbor algorithm using the training data.

K Nearest Neighbor (Distance Function) 

Classifies a set of test data based on the k Nearest Neighbor algorithm using the training data.

K Nearest Neighbor StreamableDeprecated

Classifies a set of test data based on the k Nearest Neighbor algorithm using the training data.

PMML K Nearest Neighbor Converter Deprecated

Creates a k-nearest neighbor model from a data table.

PMML Ensemble Predictor 

Predicts data using a ensemble model

PMML Ensemble Predictor Deprecated

Predicts data using a ensemble model

PMML Ensemble Predictor Deprecated

Predicts data using a ensemble model

Table to PMML Ensemble 

Transforms a table of PMML documents with a tree model into a single PMML document.