Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Interactive Table (legacy) 

Displays data in a table view.

Lift Chart (legacy) 

Creates a lift chart

Line Plot (legacy) 

Plots the numeric columns as lines.

Parallel Coordinates (legacy) 

Plots the data in Parallel Coordinates.

Pie chart (legacy) 

Displays data in a pie chart. Hiliting is not supported.

Rule Viewer (local) (Legacy) 

This node visualizes a set of rules that are represented as a table containing numeric support, confidence, lift values and nominal values […]

Scatter Matrix (legacy) 

Plots a scatter matrix where each column is compared to all others.

Scatter Plot (legacy) 

Creates a scatterplot of two selected attributes.

Table to Image 

Converts an image contained in a table row to an image object.

Renderer to Image 

Creates SVG or PNG cells using a renderer