Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

RDKit Canon SMILES Streamable

Generates RDKit canonical SMILES for an input RDKit Mol column.

RDKit Add Hs Streamable

Adds hydrogens to an RDKit molecule.

RDKit Remove Hs Streamable

Removes hydrogens from an RDKit Molecule.

RDKit Aromatizer Streamable

Aromatizes an RDKit Molecule.

RDKit Kekulizer Streamable

Kekulizes an RDKit Molecule.

RDKit Salt Stripper 

Node for stripping salts from molecules.

RDKit Descriptor Calculation Streamable

Node for descriptor calculation of RDKit Molecules.

RDKit Calculate Charges Streamable

Calculates Gasteiger charges for all atoms of a molecule.

RDKit Generate Coords Streamable

Generates coordinates (2D or 3D) for an input RDKit Mol column

RDKit Optimize Geometry Streamable

Optimizes the geometry for an input RDKit Mol column and calculates the molecule's energy in kcal/mol.