Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Append Plate Well IDs Streamable

This node appends plate well IDs to a table

Load text-based files Streamable

Node to Load text-based files to a column in the table

Save File Locally Streamable

Node to save a String column to a local file with path specified in a second column

Extract Column Properties Streamable

This node extracts the column properties for selected column(s)

Inject Column Properties Streamable

This node inserts column properties from a second input table into the columns from the first input table

SMARTSViewer Streamable

Retrieves a SMARTSViewer visualisation of a columns of SMARTS strings using the service at

Trim Table 

This node trims rows from the start and end of the table when they contain missing values in selected columns

URL Decode Streamable

This node decodes URL encoded strings

URL Encode Streamable

This node URL-encodes strings

Speedy SMILES Explicit Chirality Filter Streamable

Node to keep only rows with explicit chirality