Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Loop End (Upto 6 ports) Deprecated

Loop end node to handle upto 6 input ports

Multiport Loop End 

Loop end node to handle 1 or more input ports

Configurable Crossover (Flow Variable Value) 

This node optionally swaps the two input ports, depending on the the result of a flow variable value comparison

Configurable Empty Table Switch 

This node provides an IF switch which passes the 1st input port as an active if it has rows, and the second if the first table is empty

Configurable End IF/CASE 

End IF / Case to collect 2 or more inactive branches depending on port type

Configurable IF/CASE Switch 

A configurable IF/CASE switch with changeable port types and varying number of outputs

Configurable IF/CASE Switch (Flow Variable Value) 

A configurable IF/CASE switch with changeable port types and varying number of outputs

IF Switch (Flow Variable Value) Deprecated

This node provides an IF switch which selects the active port based on the comparison of a flow variable with a user-entered value. The comparison […]

IF Switch (Flow Variable Value) Deprecated

This node provides an IF switch which selects the active port based on the comparison of a flow variable with a user-entered value. The comparison […]

KNIME URI Resolver 

Node to resolve KNIME URIs