Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Python Snippet Deprecated

Executes a snippet with Python within KNIME.

Python Snippet 2:2 

Executes Python code.

Convert to R 

Takes a data table as input and pushes it to R

Fix Column Names 

Renames column headers to obtain compatible column names for an R data-frame.

Convert to R Deprecated

Takes a data table as input and converts it into a generic R object.

Open in R 

Opens R session with data table(s) from KNIME.

Open in R Deprecated

Opens R session with data table from Knime.

R Plot 

Creates plot with R.

R Plot (with Image Port) Deprecated

Create figures with R from within Knime.

R Snippet 

Executes an R script within KNIME.