There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.
This node creates a column of type Interval from given bounds and optionally given modes).
The node is formatting numbers in the table by adding leading and trailing zeros to provide constant length of numbers in the table.
This node splits a column of type Interval into its lower (left) and upper (right) bounds.
Filters table rows by applying a range filter to one or multiple numeric columns
Splits table rows by applying a range filter to one or multiple numeric columns
Creates trellis of plate heatmaps to explore a set of microtiter plates (High Content Screen Data).
The node performs a B-score normalization.
The node performs a normalized-percent-of-inhibition(NPI)-normalization based on two subsets of the data (positive and negative control).
The node performs a percent-of-control(POC)-normalization based on a subset of the data.
Performs a Z-score normalization based on a subset of the data.
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