Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.


run SSH with stdin and out


run SSH with stdin and out

Don't Save End (3 Ports) 

Ends a block of a workflow that is reset once this node is executed, deleting all intermediate results.

Don't Save Start (3 Ports) 

Starts a workflow block that is reset automatically once the corresponding Don't Save End is executed.

File Cells to Port 

Turns a table with file store cells into a port object for use with Generic KNIME Nodes.


Converts a table into a MIMEFile.


Bean Shell

Groovy Script 

Executes a Groovy script to create a new table from an (optionally empty) set of input tables.

Combine Columns by Header 

Combines the content of a set of columns.

Split Columns by Header 

Splits cells in one column of the table into separate columns based on a specified delimiter.