Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

OrientationJ Measurement Streamable

Extracts the features energy, orientation and coherency from images.

Projector Streamable

Projects one dimension of the image onto the other ones.

Spot Detection Streamable

Based on "Extraction of spots in biological images using multiscale products".

Thinning Streamable

Reduce an image to its skeleton, a simplified representation which is topologically equivalent.

Ultrametric Contour Map Streamable

Returns a UCM based on a given boundary labeling and an image containing boundary weights.

h-Dome Extraction Streamable

Extract regions of height h from an image.

Dimension Cleaner Streamable

Removes all dimensions of size 1.

Dimension Extender Streamable

Appends new dimensions of size one to the image.

Set Image Metadata Streamable

Manipulates the image metadata.

Transfer Image Metadata Streamable

Transfers the metadata from image to image.