Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

ILP Miner 

This node implements the ILP Miner to discover a Petri net from an event table.

Inductive Miner (Table) 

This node implements the Inductive Miner to discover a process tree from an event table.

Alignment-Based Replayer 

This node implements the alignment-based replayer for constructing the optimal alignments by replaying an event log on a Petri net.

Trace Variant Explorer 

Trace Variant Explorer

BERT Classification Learner 

Trains a text classification model on top of the provided BERT model.

BERT Embedder 

Maps String or Document columns to a numerical vector using the provided BERT model.

BERT Predictor 

Applies a BERT Classification model to the input table.

Zero Shot Text Classifier 

The node consists of learning a classifier without any previously labeled data. The node takes the Zero Shot Text Classification model as input and […]

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) 

This node performs a forward Fast Fourier Transformation(FFT) on each row of the input table. Generally speaking, it extracts the frequencies of an input […]

Frequency Domain Features (FDF) 

This node computes statistics in the frequency domain. The chosen statistics will be computed for each row.