Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Data to Report (BIRT) 

Provides the incoming data to the KNIME Report Designer.

Report Concatenate (Table) 

Concatenates multiple report fragments from a selected table column.

Mol2 Writer 

Writes a Mol2 column to a Mol2 file.

Molfile Writer 

Writes molecules as Molfiles to a directory

SDF Writer 

Writes molecules to an MDL SDF file

SDF Writer Deprecated

Writes molecules to an MDL SDF file

Smiles Directory Writer 

Writes molecules as separate files to a directory

Fingerprint Bayesian Learner 

(Variant) of Naive Bayes for fingerprint columns, i.e. bitvectors.

Fingerprint Bayesian Predictor 

Predictor to the Fingerprint Bayesian Learner node, assigning score values to test data.


searches for frequent fragments in a set of molecules.