Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Continuous Error Plot (Plotly) 

Continuous Error plot based on the Plotly.js library.

Contour Plot (Plotly) 

A contour plot based on the Plotly.js library.

2D Density Plot (Plotly) 

A 2D Density plot with optional axis-based histograms built with the Plotly.js library.

Error Bars Plot (Plotly) 

Error bars plot based on the Plotly.js library.

Line Plot (Plotly) 

A line plot based on the Plotly.js library.

Radar Plot (Plotly) 

A radar plot based on the Plotly.js library.

Scatter Plot (Plotly) 

A scatter plot based on the Plotly.js library.

3D Scatter Plot (Plotly) 

A 3D scatter plot based on the Plotly.js library.

Stacked Area Chart (Plotly) 

A Stacked Area Chart based on the Plotly.js library.

Surface Plot (Plotly) 

A 3D surface plot based on the Plotly.js library.