Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Doc2Vec Learner (legacy) 

Train a Doc2Vec model using labelled documents.

Word Vector Apply (legacy) Streamable

Applies a Word Vector Model to Documents or Strings.

Word Vector Apply (legacy) StreamableDeprecated

Applies a Word Vector Model to Documents or Strings.

Word Vector Learner (legacy) Deprecated

Learn a Word Vector Model on labelled or unlabelled documents.

Word2Vec Learner (legacy) 

Train a Word2Vec model using documents.

TensorFlow 2 Network Executor Streamable

Executes a TensorFlow deep learning network.

DL Network Executor StreamableDeprecated

Executes a deep learning network.

Email Mover (Labs) 

Moves email from one folder to another folder using a session provided by an Email Connector node.

Giskard ML Scanner 

Evaluate Model Performance with Giskard

Create Git Tag 

Creates tag on commits.