Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

JSON Column Combiner Streamable

Combines multiple JSON columns to a single.

JSON Row Combiner 

Appends JSON values in the rows to a single JSON value.

JSON Row Combiner and Writer 

Combines the values from a JSON column to a single JSON file.

JSON Transformer Streamable

Applies a patch on the input JSON column.

JSON Schema Validator 

Checks JSON Schema validity.

JSON Diff Streamable

Creates a patch/diff between two JSON columns.

JSON Writer Deprecated

Writes .json files.

String to XML 

Converts string cells in a column to XML.

XPath Streamable

Performs XPath queries on a XML column.


Applies XSLT stylesheets on the cells of an XML column.