Node Connectivity

There are 3230 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

Reverse Location Lookup Deprecated

Look up locations from location sources by given coordinates.

ReverseGeocoder StreamableDeprecated

Allows to reverse geocode coordiantes to logical addresses using the Mapzen geocoder service.

Trim Image Whitespace Streamable

Trim a PNG image by removing surrounding white space.

AP Calculator Streamable

Calculates evaluation measures for evaluating ranked result lists.

Information Gain Calculator 

Calculate the information gain value for feature selection and ranking.

RMSE Calculator Deprecated

This node calculates the RMSE value for two columns.

Threshold Analyzer 

Perform threshold analysis for Precision, Recall, F1, and Accuracy for binary classification results.

Base64 Decoder Streamable

Decode Base64 to binary data

Base64 Encoder Streamable

Encode binary data to Base64

Content Extractor Deprecated

Extractor for content from (X)HTML documents.