Node Connectivity

There are 127 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type OpenAI Nodes: Configuration.

Retrieve Invite 

Retrieves an invite.

Delete Invite 

Delete an invite. If the invite has already been accepted, it cannot be deleted.

List Projects 

Returns a list of projects.

Create Project 

Create a new project in the organization. Projects can be created and archived, but cannot be deleted.

Retrieve Project 

Retrieves a project.

Modify Project 

Modifies a project in the organization.

Archive Project 

Archives a project in the organization. Archived projects cannot be used or updated.

List Project Users 

Returns a list of users in the project.

Create Project User 

Adds a user to the project. Users must already be members of the organization to be added to a project.

Retrieve Project User 

Retrieves a user in the project.